

2025 – 2028 MINTIFY: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)

The OECD’s proposal for a National Financial Literacy Strategy for Germany suggests measures to strengthen the financial literacy of adults and young people across different socio-economic groups in Germany, as well as to increase the impact of financial literacy initiatives. Here, our ongoing projects delivers insights to the following resarch questions:

What role do media play in financial education and how can we boost financial literacy with intelligent tools ? Which media do people use to find out about economics and finance and which tools they prefer? Finding answers to these questions is relevant to understand the development of financial and economic knowledge in society.

How can artificial intelligence be used in this process? The project aims to research the use of media and intelligent systems and the potential of AI for financial education in Germany.

These reserach question adressed in the “Mintify” project consists of 3 sub-projects (TP) from business informatics and economics and consumer education. The central goal of the project is to research media and their use in the financial education context and to create an intelligent tool that can support the financial education process of heterogeneous user groups. (365.971,33 €)

2023 – 2025                            WiSimSi / WÖRLD Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)

Teaching:digital; WÖRLD joint project TP University of Siegen, digital simulations as didactic instruments from Siegen “WiSimSi” business education and economic education: teacher training and teaching digitally. Subproject University of Siegen.” (Funding code 01JA23S02H)

Lehren:digital; WÖRLD Verbundprojekt  TP Universität Siegen, Digitale Simulationen als didaktische Instrumente aus Siegen „WiSimSi“ Wirtschaftspädagogik und Ökonomische Bildung: Lehrkräftebildung und Unterricht digital. Teilprojekt Universität Siegen.” (Förderkennzeichen 01JA23S02H) für die Universität Siegen (285.699,45 €)


2019-2022                             Deutsche Bundesbank

“The role of digital media for the unconventional monetary policy of the ECB and EU fiscal policy”. (leading). (25,026.45 EUR) for the Walter Eucken Institute e.V.

„Die Rolle der digitalen Medien für die unkonventionelle Geldpolitik der EZB und der EU-Fiskalpolitik“. (federführend). (25.026,45 EUR) für das Walter Eucken Institut e.V.

2014 – 2019                 e.g. BMF, BMBF, Deutsche Bundesbank, Börse Stuttgart et al. (auround. 150 k EUR) with Lars P. Feld as principal economist.